Lil Flurt x Envy

by | Oct 2, 2021 | 267, 514, Artist Profiles, Supreme Artist Profiles

For Release by The Supreme Team:
#Lil Flurt x Envy
Artist Name: Lil Flurt x Envy

Artist Bio

From the horrible upbringing we find these two artist at a crossroads the path they take will have them leading to success and nothing less.

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Lil Flurt x Envy From the horrible upbringing we find these two artist at a crossroads the path they take will have them leading to success and nothing less.

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that music packed with realism that paints a vivid picture for the listener to follow, as well be something the people can connect too. The talent shines through majorly but even more they give you that more, music needs to give you something filled with heart that will last the times with the listener.

Song Title: Sex Drugs&Lovesongs (feat. Envy)

Listen: Lil Flurt x Envy track:….

Contact Artist: salesalija@g…



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