Yngwie Malmsteen – A Harmonic Minor/Diminished Alternating Melody: Guitar Lessons, Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™

by | Oct 30, 2020 | default

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The post Yngwie Malmsteen – A Harmonic Minor/Diminished Alternating Melody: Guitar Lessons, Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™ appeared first on The Buzz Roll Media.
Kevin is the guitarist and composer of instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars. His music is hard rock, industrial, and metal infused with lead guitar melodies inspired by violin melodies of Baroque classical composers Bach & Vivaldi.
In this lesson, we look at a 3-String Sweeping Arpeggio in the style of Yngwie Malmsteen that modulates from the Tonic arpeggio (A) to a diminished in between. Preview and purchase the lesson here.
Watch this video on YouTube.
More videos from Kevin Estrella
His lessons feature classical style lead techniques with Neo-Classical influences. Kevin loves Yngwie Malmsteen. He wanted to learn to think like Malmsteen. This meant listening to his influences. Kevin discovered Bach, Vivaldi, and Paganini.
Kevin’s goal was to make his guitar sound more like a violin, or harpsichord.
He developed a new style and approach to the instrument.
Lessons taught

Violin Melodic Phrasing
Pedal Tones
Diatonic Extensions
Symmetrical Scales (Harmonic Minor, Phrygian, Japanese)
Dom 7th and Major 7th arpeggios used by Jason Becker
Sweep Picking
String Skipping Arpeggios
Alternate Picking, Legato (In the Style of Joe Satriani)
Neo-Classical and Classical Style melodic phrasing in the style of Yngwie Malmsteen
J.S Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, Nicolo Paganini, Paul Gilbert, Marty Friedman, Jason Becker.

View lessons and subscribe here
If you like Kevin’s fingerboard art, you can order one here.
The post Yngwie Malmsteen – A Harmonic Minor/Diminished Alternating Melody: Guitar Lessons, Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™ appeared first on The Buzz Roll Media.


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