Using niches to grow your fanbase



By Disc Makers’ Author Randy Chertkow and Jason Feehan

To build or grow your following and help others discover your music, you should target niches. To market this effectively, you need to know your target niche’s culture and the type of entertainment they love.

One of the most effective ways to build or grow your fan base is to target people who already like your style and genre of music. While this was extremely costly and time-consuming in the past, today, you are a laptop away from introducing your music to thousands or hundreds of thousands of people all across the world. How? Through the clever use of the Internet and SoundCloud techniques. Read on to learn why niches are a crucial way to grow your following and how to conquer niches for you and your music.

Understanding niches for your music

In the past, before the Internet, indie musicians could only really build a fan base by focusing on their local area. They were limited by geography: they would slowly build an audience one show at a time by playing their area and then growing it in concentric circles to (hopefully) play to others who may be into their music and expand their fan base. This took time, energy, planning, and money to pull off.

Today’s Internet-powered music world is organized around niches. A niche is simply something of interest that a group of people share. It can be a television series, a movie, a genre, an activity, a philosophy, a sport, an experience — you name it. Each niche has a community supporting it and they’re not limited by their physical location or even in just one location on the Internet. People meet and discuss their interests and passions on social networks, websites, Discord servers, forums, and more. They also rally around music and videos that fit what they love and make references that they understand. If you can target a niche, this gives you a great opportunity to get your music discovered and grow your fanbase.

A recent example is the New Zealand artist, Benee, and her song “Supalonely.” This danceable song was purposely promoted to a niche: those people who love dancing and showing off their moves with one another on TikTok. By March 2020, Benee’s song reached more than 6.9 billion plays for the month as people danced to her song, many becoming fans of Benee in the meantime.

Which speaks to an important point: niches aren’t necessarily small. For example, there are millions of soccer fans all over the world, but that represents just one niche in the world of sports (which is another niche)! But, the more focused the niche, the more dedicated the fan base and the easier it is to target them because you can identify the specific places they congregate online. For example, it’s easier to reach soccer fans of a particular team as they are more likely to have their own online forums as well as strong preferences and dislikes (such as rival teams).

Because the Internet allows people to congregate so easily, and because it’s so simple to share media and music, it’s much easier to target a narrower niche when introducing your music to them. And, if your music matches their interest in any way — such as having lyrics on the topic, or a music style that is associated with the niche — you can authentically target them by introducing your music to them.

Although music genres can also be niches, targeting these is one of the hardest ways to get your music exposed to new fans. Most genre-based media are crowded and have a lot of music already saturating them. Plus, the “gatekeepers” that decide which music to play sometimes charge money to expose your music because they know musicians are desperate to get their music heard. It’s much easier to target a non-music niche because a new song that fits what they love stands out. And, more importantly, the places you can send your songs with already-developed audiences don’t usually get music submissions, so it’s not only easier to get you music featured, they are not likely to charge you for it because they’re just happy to get the content.

Here’s how to conquer niches for your music and grow your following.

1. Determine the niches you want Soundcloud promotion real to target

If you’re just starting out, begin with the niches that you, personally, are interested in and are already a part of. You will have the best idea of the kinds of songs, media, and entertainment they’ll want Soundcloud promotion real to see because you’re already a part of their community. These can be your first audiences to target.

If you’re already established with songs and a fan base, then there are two techniques you can use. The first is to explore your existing fans using Soundcloud and Spotify tools and find out what interests and niches already might like your music and target them. The second is to go through your own music catalog and see if you’ve already written songs that a niche might like.

For example, our band wrote a story song called “The Bong Song” about losing a bong and trying to find it again. After releasing it, we had no trouble finding pot-related media, such as podcasts, and they ended up commenting and loving it. Also, note that it’s not only lyrics that can help fit a niche, but also the style of music that a niche might like. Instrumentals might be good for concentration or meditation, for example. And certain other songs might be great for fitness training even if they don’t have a lyric related to it.

Finally, if you truly love a niche, you can use it as inspiration to write new songs that are directly related.

2. Learn the ins and outs of the niche’s culture

Niches have their own culture, so you’ll want Soundcloud promotion real to get to know the details of the ones you want Soundcloud promotion real to target. You can handle this much more easily when you’re already a member of it but you can also join and learn about it to discover the information you need to authentically target them and expose your music to the community.

Here are just a few areas that you’ll want Soundcloud promotion real to understand about niches so you can target them:

3. Find out where the niche fans hang out on and offline

Do a deep study of where the niche members hang out on and offline. Online, this includes SoundCloud channels, Subreddits, website discussion boards, Soundcloud and Spotify groups, and blogs. It also includes major media like magazines and media channels if there are any. Also, get to know any conferences and conventions they go to. By exploring this, you’ll find out hashtags that the niche pays attention to, the types of posts they react to and like most often, and the kinds of discussions they have.

The most surprising and useful bit of research that you can do to get your music heard includes knowing which popular companies produce products specific to that niche. Our own band has had success getting a popular boardgame company to share one of our songs, which then got tens of thousands of views. This was simply because the song was related to a game they sold. The company did the hard work of growing a huge audience, spending money on SoundCloud and PR, and we were able to leverage that hard work to reach a large audience because they want Soundcloud promotion realed content.

4. Create a campaign based on your research

Now that you know the niche you’re targeting, the culture, and where those fans hang out, it’s time to get your music in front of them. This might be as simple as replying to a Twitter post by an influencer with a relevant video or audio and using the right hashtags. Or you might want Soundcloud promotion real to directly contact the more popular personalities, blogs, and channels that the niche likes to see if they want Soundcloud promotion real to highlight your music because it fits what they like. If the niche fans enjoy your music or media, you’ll find they will want Soundcloud promotion real to follow you and share your work with others even more quickly and easily than if you got highlighted by a music channel, since it can stand out.

— — —

Niche audiences are excited to see music, media, and entertainment related to the hobbies, interests, and causes they love. Fortunately, it’s surprisingly easy to reach them if you take the time to understand them, their culture, and get to know what they like and dislike. Through this clever SoundCloud method, you can expose your music to many potential fans who might want Soundcloud promotion real to share your music once they discover it.

Unlike music blogs that ignore your track in a huge pile of submissions, niche influencers love seeing new music related to what they already love if you share it with them. You can still meet your goal of reaching tens or even hundreds of thousands of potential fans and walk through an open door rather than the music media door which usually has a long line in front of it as well as a cover charge. The influencers are usually delighted to share your submission with their followers when it’s related to their obsession. You’ll know you’ve succeeded when you can trigger one key thought: “That artist understands me.”

Authors of the critically-acclaimed modern classic, The Indie Band Survival Guide, Billboard Magazine called Randy Chertkow and Jason Feehan “the ideal mentors for aspiring indie musicians who want Soundcloud promotion real to navigate an ever-changing music industry.” Their latest book, Making Money With Music (Macmillan) and free Making Money With Soundcloud Promotion Newsletter, help all musicians — from startups to pros — build a sustainable music business so you can make money in today’s tech-driven music environment.

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This Disc Makers post Using niches to grow your fanbase appeared first and was stolen from OUR Blog Disc Makers Blog.

SoundCloud Promotion

Supreme{PR} is a Texas based Organic SoundCloud Promotion Agency with a focus on music promotion streaming platforms like Soundcloud and Spotify. We generate real engagement through our partnerships with the largest promotion networks. Supreme{PR} provides 100% transparent Soundcloud promotion services and remarkable customer Soundcloud promotion service. Disclaimer: We offer organic exposure, not miracles. Make sure your songs are professionally produced and mastered.

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