– Featured Artist


SoundCloud Repost Channels, SoundCloud Repost Promotion

SupremePR is proud to support new artists that need to be heard.

Pick of the Day:

Recording Artist:

“My name is Omar Gueye and I am learning to be a songwriter:) Lately I’ve been trying to produce some tracks. I love studying and would spend my days making music. I also love the stage very much. I like to move and entertain people and I hope with all my heart that one day I will do this. My song “White Butterfly” tells the end of a relationship, but does it with a lot of respect. I believe that when a love relationship ends, that love will always remain with us and even if I see the White Butterfly fly away, I know that love will remain forever. Maybe it will change shape, coulor, but it will remain.
I would like to tell about other stories, other emotions. I hope to be able to do it soon! Omar”

Listen to on SoundCloud:

White Butterfly by Omar Gueye

Supreme SoundCloud Promotion

Supreme SoundCloud Repost Promotion is provided through a network of playlist curators, music tastemakers, and content creators. We love working with artists who are talented, dedicated, and destined for greatness. We are Austin, Texas based and connected with promoters all over the world. ~The Supreme Team