Richmon – Featured Artist

by | Nov 7, 2020 | Artist Profiles

SupremePR is proud to support new artists that need to be heard.

Pick of the Day:

Recording Artist: Richmon

“Hello, I’m Richmon, a Filipino Milan based singer-songwriter. Music has always been my passion ever since. I started singing at a very young age, mostly to the karaoke, but wasn’t develop till recently. I initially just wrote poems before because I didn’t have that much interest in music. When I migrated to Italy, that’s when I started to explore music, playing an instrument and writing songs, trying different genre to which I could fit the most but it wasn’t that good because people always compared to the ones who are already like 100x ahead of me. Then, I met this Italian producer who gave me a shot and helped me to make my first single which is “Another like you” but it wasn’t the end because after that we did 3 more songs which I’m thinking of release later this year.”

Listen to Richmon on SoundCloud:

Supreme SoundCloud Promotion

Supreme SoundCloud Repost Promotion is provided through a network of playlist curators, music tastemakers, and content creators. We love working with artists who are talented, dedicated, and destined for greatness. We are Austin, Texas based and connected with promoters all over the world. ~The Supreme Team


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