Nsl Vega

by | Dec 22, 2023 | 119, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles

#Nsl Vega #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Nsl Vega

Who are you?

Vega, utilizes a bouncy flow in his verses, taking the listener through variable amounts of peak and valleys with all of the different vocal inflections he has at his disposal. While he does resort to straight rapping at points, there are other times where he unleashes a somber autotune sound, and this is where he is at his best — letting his voice stretch out on a track like molten lava.

Where are you from?

Nsl Vega, 21, has slowly but consistently building his brand in rap music for a little while now. Branching out of Davenport, Iowa, it may be harder to get recognition but that doesn’t stop him. He’s streaming in over 40 states in the US & even out of the country! Music scene isn’t “dead” in Iowa, but very overlooked because of where we from. Little do they know, it’s cities within state line that get wicked. We need scouts for talent in Iowa.

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Song Title: Mind Playin’ Tricks On Me

Listen to Nsl Vega:

Source: supremepr.us…


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