#Noble1bof #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Noble1bof
Who are you?
I am a versatile artist, who mainly raps but I drop a few harmonies in some songs (lol). I am a singer song writer who presfers to find the right voice to sing the lyrics. Although everyone claims to be a real rapper, i write about my own life and experiences I have been through. I am very confident I can go bar for bar with any artist and hold my own.
Where are you from?
I'm from Brixton (South London), and the music scene here is vibrant. Mainly hip-hop & basement but it is also very diverse so all you'll find somewhere local for all genres & scenes.
How can we follow you?
You can find me on any social media or streaming platform by typing in "Noble1BOF"
Song Title: My Bio (Autobiography)
Listen to Noble1bof:
Source: supremepr.us…