#NekU$AkeN #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: NekU$AkeN

Who are you?

I try my hardest to rhyme conspiracies together. That is all my my music ever consists of. Besides the money, cars & women. My lyricism is mainly based towards how the world could be ran better.

Where are you from?

I'm from Grayson Ky, ain't much here but an indian mound in the middle of town with 3 crosses. Looking like if that was where Jesus Christ was crucified. Quite actually a sad town. Remember it? It is that Lacing Heroin town that had AR's out during that BLM protest. Place is ran by rednecks and their ain't nothing we could do about it. Unless I dominate the music industry.

How can we follow you?

Youtube, Soundcloud, Instagram

Song Title: Ho$tage $ale$man

Listen to NekU$AkeN:

Source: supremepr.us…


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