
by | Jan 26, 2024 | 119, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles

#Mxdnixht #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Mxdnixht

Who are you?

I am a very willing and hard working artist. I put my all into my tracks and I put real feeling and emotion into them. I can make a very strong emotional song that everyone can relate to then I can make a vibe that everyone wants to vibe to!

Where are you from?

I’m from Tennessee but just moved to indiana, the music scene in Tennessee wasn’t bad, but only me and a few select other were tryna take it seriously. So I moved to indiana for better opportunities.

How can we follow you?

I have music on all platforms, Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud, Etc. Mxdnixht on all platforms!

Song Title: LOVE

Listen to Mxdnixht:



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