MusicThinkTank: Call for contributions!

by | Apr 3, 2021 | 1, Artist Profiles

Thank you to the Music Think Tank community for your committed readership and the insightful content that many of you have shared! Without your contributions, this website would not exist. If you have something to say about the music industry, we strongly encourage you to consider contributing a post to MTT. Please remember to review the submission guidelines posted on the MTT open page before posting.Thank you, and happy posting! SoundCloud Promotion Supreme{PR} is a Texas based Organic SoundCloud Promotion Agency with a focus on music promotion streaming platforms like Soundcloud and Spotify. We generate real engagement through our partnerships with the largest promotion networks. Supreme{PR} provides 100% transparent services and remarkable customer service.  Reposts to 1 Million SoundCloud Followers USD $28.00 Buy Reposts to 2 Million SoundCloud Followers USD $40.00 Buy Reposts to 3 Million SoundCloud Followers USD $55.00 Buy Reposts to 5 Million SoundCloud Followers USD $75.00 Buy Reposts to 8 Million SoundCloud Followers USD $100.00 Buy Reposts to 10 Million SoundCloud Followers USD $130.00 Buy Reposts to 20 Million SoundCloud Followers USD $220.00 Buy THE SUPREME BOOST USD $349.00 USD $269.00 Buy Reposts to 30 Million SoundCloud Followers USD $310.00 Buy Load More @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { table#wpt_table.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table th.wpt_thumbnails,table#wpt_table.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table .wpt_thumbnails,table#wpt_table.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table th.wpt_quick,table#wpt_table.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table .wpt_quick,.hide_column_for_mobile_only_for_selected{ display: none!important;} table#wpt_table.mobile_responsive.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table tr { border: 1px solid #ddd; margin-bottom: 5px;} table#wpt_table.mobile_responsive.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table td { border-bottom: 1px solid; position: relative; text-align: left; padding-left: 8px !important; height: 100%; border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; } /* table#wpt_table.mobile_responsive.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table td,table#wpt_table.mobile_responsive.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table td.wpt_check,table#wpt_table.mobile_responsive.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table td.wpt_quantity{ width: 100%; } */ table#wpt_table.mobile_responsive.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table td.wpt_quantity { min-height: 57px; } table#wpt_table.mobile_responsive.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table td.wpt_thumbnails { height: 100%; padding: 7px; } table#wpt_table.mobile_responsive.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table td.wpt_description { min-height: 55px; height: 100%; padding: 7px; } table#wpt_table.mobile_responsive.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table td.wpt_action{ min-height: 62px; height: auto; } table#wpt_table.mobile_responsive.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table td.data_product_variations.woocommerce-variation-add-to-cart.variations_button.woocommerce-variation-add-to-cart-disabled.wpt_action{ height: 100%; padding: 7px 0; } table#wpt_table.mobile_responsive.wpt_temporary_table_55274.wpt_product_table td:before { width: 88px; white-space: normal; background: #b7b7b736; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; height: 100%; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; } /*VARresponsiveTableLabelData*/ } table tr.wpt_row td.wpt_quoterequest.addedd{ display: block !important; }

HUM (Hype Urban Music) is proud to present interviews with our favorite new Rap, Hip-Hip and Electronic Music artists from around the world.  These are the talents of tomorrow, brought to you today in an engaging traditional interview format.

Be sure to visit our sponsor Supreme{PR} for Artist Publicity services.


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