Music Licensing Libraries: Submitting Your Tracks to Music Licensing Platforms

by | Mar 8, 2024 | 149, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles

Submitting your tracks to music licensing libraries and platforms is an effective way to monetize your music by licensing it for use in various media projects such as films, TV shows, commercials, video games, and online videos. Here’s how you can submit your tracks to music licensing platforms:

  1. Research Music Licensing Platforms: Start by researching music licensing platforms that cater to your genre of music and target audience. Look for reputable platforms with a track record of success, a large client base, and favorable terms for artists.
  2. Review Submission Guidelines: Review the submission guidelines provided by each music licensing platform to understand their requirements, preferences, and submission process. Pay attention to specifications for file formats, metadata, quality standards, and rights ownership.
  3. Prepare Your Tracks: Prepare your tracks for submission by ensuring they meet the quality standards and specifications outlined by the licensing platform. Make sure your tracks are properly mixed, mastered, and tagged with relevant metadata such as track title, artist name, genre, and licensing information.
  4. Organize Your Portfolio: Organize your music portfolio and select tracks that are well-suited for licensing opportunities. Choose tracks with broad appeal, clear instrumentation, and versatile usage potential across different types of media projects.
  5. Create a Demo Reel or Showcase: Create a demo reel or showcase highlighting your best tracks and demonstrating their potential for licensing. Include a variety of tracks showcasing different moods, tempos, and instrumentation to showcase the range of your music.
  6. Submit Your Tracks: Submit your tracks to music licensing platforms through their online submission portal or designated email address. Follow the platform’s submission process and guidelines carefully, providing all required information and materials as requested.
  7. Provide Supporting Information: Provide supporting information about your tracks, such as descriptions, keywords, and usage rights, to help potential clients find and license your music. Include relevant details about the mood, tempo, instrumentation, and intended usage of each track to facilitate search and discovery.
  8. Monitor Your Submissions: Monitor the status of your submissions and track any feedback or updates provided by the licensing platform. Be patient and proactive in following up on your submissions, and don’t be discouraged by rejection or non-responses.
  9. Optimize Your Metadata: Optimize your metadata and keywords to improve the discoverability of your tracks on music licensing platforms. Use descriptive and relevant keywords that accurately reflect the mood, genre, and usage potential of your music to increase its visibility to potential clients.
  10. Promote Your Tracks: Promote your tracks and portfolio to potential clients through your website, social media channels, networking events, and industry connections. Leverage your existing fanbase, collaborate with other artists, and actively engage with potential clients to increase your chances of securing licensing opportunities.

By submitting your tracks to music licensing platforms effectively, you can increase your exposure, generate additional revenue streams, and establish relationships with clients in the media industry. With persistence, professionalism, and strategic promotion, you can maximize your success in the competitive field of music licensing.


The Supreme Team is an Austin, Texas promotion agency started by Indie Artists for Indie Artists. Our Organic SoundCloud Promotion and Organic Spotify Promotion is provided through a network of influencers and artists in the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, Brazil, and more.

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