Mikem Nahmir

by | Nov 30, 2022 | 119, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles | 0 comments

#Mikem Nahmir #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Mikem Nahmir

Who are you?

I'm a hyperactive emotional mess on and off the microphone. The studio is my home. My place of release. Making music is very therapeutic for me and everything that I go through usually comes out in my music. "Organized chaos" is what I call it. Hopefully whoever is reading this can understand where I'm coming from.

Where are you from?

I'm from Long Beach, CA. Our music scene is flourishing and becoming something that people are talking about. A lot of the light used to shine on the same handful of people but now it's starting to expand. I'm just thankful to be a part of everything.

How can we follow you?

Instagram: @realnamenahnah
Twitter: @realnamenahnah



Listen to Mikem Nahmir:

Source: supremepr.us…


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