by | May 9, 2022 | 119, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles | 0 comments

#LiL SALEM≡ #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: LiL SALEM≡

Who are you?

I would say I am a very meaningful artist. Time and effort goes into producing, writing and mixing just to convey how I feel and what I want others to feel. Writing lyrics takes blood, sweat and tears. Along with finding the right vibe for the songs to sing over and talk about feelings and life in a viewpoint. Songs I have not released yet are very meaningful and have sad lyrics to them, as for now, my beginning track is a catchy, break up letter/ confrontation to an ex.

Where are you from?

From where I am in the UK, Emo Rap artists are heard of, and many have sprung into limelight from time to time, but I find that newly starting and beginning Emo Rappers with talent never really get any recognition or big following. I am hoping to gain a small following online, or something I can use to start a hopeful career in.

How can we follow you?

Instagram: spitfreaks Soundcloud: LiL SALEM≡ (soundcloud.c…)

Song Title: Powder

Listen to LiL SALEM≡:



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