#King Dud #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: King Dud

Who are you?

Im Different i got crazy energy, flows insane and im gifted. grew up listening to Lil Wayne, and Gucci and alot of other people under their belts

Where are you from?

I Grew up in Cincinnati, moved around alot but ended up back in Kentucky in 2010 Till now so almost 13 years i been playing this Kentucky game lived in Louisville , Covington , Florence , erlanger .. Its different in Cincinnati so far as the music , everybody sounds the same got the same vibes i can express myself different where I'm at now.

How can we follow you?


for spotify and apple search Dud Bud for my Older stuff most recent search King Dud i switched up the name to better fit me

Song Title: 2 Far Gone (Freestyle)

Listen to King Dud:

Source: supremepr.us…


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