For Release by The Supreme Team:
#Josh Waters
Artist Name: Josh Waters
Artist Bio
Since emerging with his first singles in early 2017, the
Atlanta-based singer has established himself as one of the
finest young performers in the genre, capable of bringing his
deepest feelings to life through his evocative songwriting.
After years of honing his craft in private, on stage and with
his steadily growing fan base, Josh set out to release a song
every week in 2020. He remained consistent with the
campaign dropping 52 songs in 2020. They caught on
quickly, and soon, he had built up a vast catalog of songs
reflecting his versatility and innovation.
Josh is gearing up to release new music (via WLPWR’s new
label BNDWTH) which showcases his pen and smooth vocals.
These songs will undoubtedly cement his style and pave the
way for his creative ideas across a variety of genres.
Tell us who you are:
I'm a singer from Mississippi by way of Atlanta.
Discover this artist:
IG: @Joshwatersmusic
Song Title: CYCLONE
Listen: Josh Waters track:
Contact Artist: info@wlpwr.c…