#John OBrien
Artist Name: John OBrien

Artist Bio

John O’Brien is a Performer, Recording Artist and Songwriter who has been actively creating music for more than four decades. He has performed all over the world and has released seven albums. His original recordings have caught the attention of the music media with extensive airplay on stations including SiriusXM and multiple streaming platforms including Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and others. His act, The John O’Brien Experience, includes new material, which released in August 2020 as an EP “That Girl Is Trouble” that has already amassed over 460,000 streams. John’s 2019 album, “The Love You Need” has already amassed over 950,000 Spotify streams. His work has received rave reviews by dozens of music critics. O’Brien’s previous full-length album, “My Revelation” (2015) was re-released in 2019 and includes his many of most popular originals including the radio hit “Summer Sun”. The album has achieved almost 260,000 Spotify streams. He also recently re-released his album “Quiet Storm” (2003). His previous albums include “Baysiders in Concert – Long Beach New York” (2004), “The Brujon Project” (1998), “3 Ghosts and a Sailors Christmas” (2019), and “John O’Brien with Festival” (1982). His many performances include the US, Madrid, Amsterdam, the Caribbean and other locations. O’Brien also released a successful single “Life” with the Crystal Revelation in 1970. He is releasing a new album and on tour in the UK in July 2022!!! We hope to see you there!!

Tell us who you are:

I'm John O'Brien. I've been a singer-songwriter and performer for over 40 years. I have over 2 million Spotify streams and half a million YouTube views.

Discover this artist:

Website: johnobriensm…
Spotify: open.spotify…
YouTube: www.youtube….?
Soundcloud: soundcloud.c…
Instagram: www.instagra…
Facebook: www.facebook…
TikTok: tiktok.com/@…
Twitter: twitter.com/…
Apple Music: artists.appl…
VEVO: www.youtube….
Deezer: www.deezer.c…
Tidal: tidal.com/br…
Amazon Music: music.amazon…

Song Title: STOP!!

Listen: John OBrien track:

Contact Artist: john@johnobr…

Source: supremepr.us…

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