Happy Birthday, Bryan Adams!

Happy Birthday, Bryan Adams!

[Product_Table id=’55274′ name=’allproducts’] [sp_testimonial id=”53352″] FEATURED POST FROM THE BEST BLOGGERS IN MUSIC: Happy Birthday, Bryan Adams! The post Happy Birthday, Bryan Adams! appeared first on The Buzz Roll Media. Bryan...
Happy Birthday, Bryan Adams!

Introducing Soulflvr From Germany

[Product_Table id=’55274′ name=’allproducts’] [sp_testimonial id=”53352″] FEATURED POST FROM THE BEST BLOGGERS IN MUSIC: Introducing Soulflvr From Germany About the Release Time to bring back the summer vibes. “Don´t wait till...
Happy Birthday, Bryan Adams!

Intro to co-writing

[Product_Table id=’55274′ name=’allproducts’] [sp_testimonial id=”53352″] FEATURED POST FROM THE BEST BLOGGERS IN MUSIC: Intro to co-writing Thinking about trying your hand at co-writing songs? Here are a few ways to get...
Common Song Structures in Today's Music World

Common Song Structures in Today's Music World

  Musicians who are new to songwriting generally struggle to put their fragmented ideas into song form at one point or another.  They often ask themselves, “How do you know when a song is done? How long is each section supposed to be?”. While there are all kinds of...