How To Use Acoustics To Your Advantage

How To Use Acoustics To Your Advantage

[Product_Table id=’55274′ name=’allproducts’] [sp_testimonial id=”53352″] FEATURED POST FROM THE BEST BLOGGERS IN MUSIC: How To Use Acoustics To Your Advantage Acoustics can make or break a performance. Whether it’s live or in...
How To Use Acoustics To Your Advantage

17 ways to get more music fans

[Product_Table id=’55274′ name=’allproducts’] [sp_testimonial id=”53352″] FEATURED POST FROM THE BEST BLOGGERS IN MUSIC: 17 ways to get more music fans Focus on building up your songwriting and performance chops, then use these...
What are the Best SoundCloud Promotion Channels 2020?

What are the Best SoundCloud Promotion Channels 2020?

Best SoundCloud Promotion 2020: 1.) Our Promoters distribute your song to the best SoundCloud promotion channels.. 2.) Influencers share your song with their Followers. 3.) Followers listen and engage with your music. Over the past few months, I’ve received a handful of emails asking me the same impossible question: “I love the blog, I’ve read all your articles, you’ve given me so many things to try… but if you had to pick just one, what’s the best way to promote music?” It’s Supreme{PR}.

The Business Side of Samples, Remixes and Covers

The Business Side of Samples, Remixes and Covers

  There are all kinds of royalty-free sample and loop packs these days. Anyone can use them in their records and make money off them without worrying about any legal complications. One can even buy a beat, top line and release it without owing the beat maker a penny...