Interview: Young BlueNose

by | Apr 19, 2021 | 278, Artist Profiles

Artist Name: Young BlueNose

Tell us something about you that fans should know:

Im a small artists who makes music not as a way to gain any sort of fame or clout, but because it helps me escape the harsh reality that is known as life. most of my songs are about my inner thoughts about myself as sort of an insight to what my own mental is like, and other songs i make are just about love, whether it be someone who i love, or just plain positivity.

Where are you from and what’s the music scene like there?

Im from East Tucson, Arizona. The music community here is full of upcoming underground artists who (like myself) like to make music as a way to express themselves.

How have your life experiences influenced your music?

ive gone through my own personal trials in life, and am still going through them, but who hasnt?… the music i make is all based around my life, and my mind.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?


Song Title: Lost

Let’s have a listen to the new Young BlueNose track:


#Young BlueNose

Check out Young BlueNose on the Hype Urban Music Blog:… BlueNose


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