Interview: theteengio

by | Feb 21, 2021 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

Artist Name: theteengio
Latest Release: Telling Lies

“i describe myself as a kind person and looking to work with others if they like my style in music i think my connection to people goes well and we can both help each other to make our dream and goal come true.”

The track?
this song is different because I'm trying a new style and trying new flows so supporters don't feel like they're listening to the same song over and over again.

Dream collaboration?

Where is home and what is the scene like?
I'm from AUSTRALIA! the music scene is really really underrated somehow not many people recognize AUSTRALIA and what we're capable of.

How has living life influenced your music?
my life experiences have heavily impacted me on doing music cause I wouldn't know what I would be doing if I didn't do music and a lot of people support me and make me push through every day and to prove all the people wrong that said I wouldn't be anything

Favorite movie?
my favorite movie is Home alone because I always like being alone doing music and my dream I most identify with Kevin in the movie cause he does what he wants and doesn't let people say things to him so he keeps a good and loving vibe

Let’s plug that theteengio music!

Find on social:
Instagram : @theteengio

Twitter : @theteengio

Email: theteengio1@…


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The Supreme Team is excited to feature theteengio on our upcoming Supreme HEAT playlist compilation. Follow us at soundcloud.c… for updates.


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