Interview: Siyathe.trapstarr

by | Feb 21, 2021 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

Artist Name: Siyathe.trapstarr
Latest Release: Listen to Energy [w/Bezel Rockie] by Siyathe.trapstarr on #SoundCloud soundcloud.a…

“I make music to give out a vibe , truth & and also facts
I'm different to other artists as to I'm versatile & very obidient”

The track?
Like this track talks bout
People u call "friends"
Typically plotting behind ur back with ur enemies
Practically they"frenemies"

Dream collaboration?

Where is home and what is the scene like?
I'm from lenasia the southern side of joburg in the province gauteng
A lot of people like different genres but I'd say hip hop / trap is still relavant & exclusive

How has living life influenced your music?
Every teenage moves through a stage called puberty
Mixed emotions occur
So I technically try to make music that makes it best

Favorite movie?
My favourite movie has to be fast and the furious 8
I like van diesel
Because he taught me the true meaning of family

Let’s plug that Siyathe.trapstarr music!

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Hash Smoke:
#rap #hiphop #pop #interview #Siyathe.trapstarr #thesupreme team #music #raphits #toprap #trap #bestmusic #beastmode #whitecastleburgers #bestnewartist #soundcloud #applemusic #spotify #audiomack #supremerecords #banger

The Supreme Team is excited to feature Siyathe.trapstarr on our upcoming Supreme HEAT playlist compilation. Follow us at soundcloud.c… for updates.


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