Interview: QTH

by | Feb 20, 2021 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

Artist Name: QTH
Latest Release: AR

“Extremely lyrical and I rap very fast I can also sing very well but choose not to, there aren’t too many artists who can rap like me”

The track?
A lot of the lyrics are word play while also telling listeners about events from my past

Dream collaboration?
Lil Durk

Where is home and what is the scene like?
I’m from middle TN, most of the people in Here rap slow with basic lyrics

How has living life influenced your music?
My struggles could make for great stories and entertainment for listeners

Favorite movie?
Straight outta Compton, if I blow my story would be identical to Eazy E’s

Let’s plug that QTH music!

Find on social:
Instagram: que_anb
SoundCloud: QTH
Cell: 615-714-8489 (text first)
Email: Quentaviousparish


Hash Smoke:
#rap #hiphop #pop #interview #QTH #thesupreme team #music #raphits #toprap #trap #bestmusic #beastmode #whitecastleburgers #bestnewartist #soundcloud #applemusic #spotify #audiomack #supremerecords #banger

The Supreme Team is excited to feature QTH on our upcoming Supreme HEAT playlist compilation. Follow us at soundcloud.c… for updates.


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