Interview: Mattvv

by | Feb 21, 2021 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

Artist Name: Mattvv
Latest Release: Bands

“Hidden secret.”

The track?
202” track a Personal favorite I didn’t wanna hold onto no more and it’s just like all my other music, amazing

Dream collaboration?
Lil baby

Where is home and what is the scene like?
Broward county snd the music out here if I’m being honest is just average. I believe I really stand out and I’m ready to show the world

How has living life influenced your music?
Too much for the internet

Favorite movie?
Captain America. I see my self in cbarge.

Let’s plug that Mattvv music!

Find on social:
@mattvv #mattvv on Instagram and all platforms


Hash Smoke:
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The Supreme Team is excited to feature Mattvv on our upcoming Supreme HEAT playlist compilation. Follow us at soundcloud.c… for updates.


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