Interview: Konextrax



Artist Name: Konextrax
Latest Release: Winter Chasing Into Light Springs

“I'm a dubstep artist and I make things from Brostep to Colorbass. I release albums and singles at least 1-2 times a month. My first Album was Myst EP and it has a little variety in songs which are somewhat Unique in my own way.”

Tell us all about this new track of yours!
Winter Chasing Into Light Springs is a song I made using a Free Commercial Use vocal I found and I pitched it and Vocoded it. It has a buildup to a drop that I personally call a "Bell Bass" Drop because of its bell sounding features. The bass drop is certainly heavy and it has a sort of cinematic feel that you'd hear from somewhere like UMF.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?
I would most like to collaborate with Skrillex or any artist that appears on Dubstep Gutter, But pretty much anyone will do

Where are you from and what is the music scene like?
I'm from Wisconsin and the music scene isn't mainstream big, all we tend to have is the radio. Specifically where I'm from though so if there is a mainstream artist from Wisconsin then I apologize. I'm trying to be Wisconsin's biggest artist and I'm working from the ground up.

How have your life experiences influenced your music?
I listened to dubstep back in 2010-2012 and I was hooked. I loved the electronic aspect of it and it was my biggest dream to perform at UMF or any music festival. Back then I was poor but now I'm in decent condition.

Which character in your favorite movie do you most identify with? Why?
My favorite movie is A Silent Voice and the character I most relate with is Shouko, not because I'm deaf, but because I have trouble making friends.

Can you give us a sample of Konextrax music?
Winter Chasing Into Light Springs by Konextrax

#Dubstep #2021 #Colorbass #Konextrax #Brostep


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The Supreme Team is excited to feature Konextrax on our upcoming Supreme HEAT playlist compilation. Follow us at soundcloud.c… for updates.