Interview: Jottibee

by | Feb 20, 2021 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

Artist Name: Jottibee
Latest Release: Blood Sweat & Tears

“My music speaks for me everything you hear from me is based off real life experiences and what I been through.”

The track?
Blood Sweat & Tears is my debut mixtape 8 tracks of vibes and good music. I want listeners to try to come to my world when they hear my music.

Dream collaboration?
Meek Mill

Where is home and what is the scene like?
Buffalo NY the music scene here has been in the dark for sometime until recently. We now have Conway the machine Westside Gunn and Benny the butcher putting on for buffalo giving us the light we needed in the music scene.

How has living life influenced your music?

Favorite movie?
Paid n full and identity myself with Mitch because he came from the bottom and no one believed in him and the tables turned around for him and I go through similar situations just like that .

Let’s plug that Jottibee music!

Find on social:
Instagram @jotti.bee


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The Supreme Team is excited to feature Jottibee on our upcoming Supreme HEAT playlist compilation. Follow us at soundcloud.c… for updates.


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