Interview: jjthe G.O.A.T

by | Feb 14, 2021 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

Artist Name: jjthe G.O.A.T
Latest Release: Pornhub (Prod.Constant)

“Very diverse, I listen to alot of music so I have lots of inspirations. I put 100% emotion into my songs whether it's sad,happy,or angry.”

Tell us all about this new track of yours!
This track is very different but also eye catching. I say things on the track that to some view as entertaining. But in all its just another way if expressing myself.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?
A big underground artist like Lil Darkie or Snot, I like artists who aren't afraid to speak their feelings.

Where are you from and what is the music scene like?
Honestly I'm from Massachusetts where drill rap and trap are big in the area. I'm not that type of artist so it's hard to get exposure and engagement at the same time.

How have your life experiences influenced your music?
Honestly Music has been around me since I was young like 5, but I been through alot. I've dealt with child abuse, being homeless, being anti-social and bullied. I'm not saying this to sound like I'm trying to be cool I'm just being up front.

Which character in your favorite movie do you most identify with? Why?
Myself, I am the star of my movie as I learn how to make my character better everyday.

Can you give us a sample of jjthe G.O.A.T music?

#antisocial #trapmetal #alternativerock #hiphop #massachusetts #undergroundartist

thehumprod.w… G.O.A.T/jjthe G.O.A.T

#rap #hiphop #pop #interview #jjthe G.O.A.T

The Supreme Team is excited to feature jjthe G.O.A.T on our upcoming Supreme HEAT playlist compilation. Follow us at soundcloud.c… for updates.


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