Interview: IlxvCrxk


Artist Name: IlxvCrxk

New Song/Release Title: S!CK

Tell us something about you:
Since i'm only 16 Most of the time when I make / release music people in my school say that i'm better than rappers that drop songs because their either, lying, don't relate , don't match anyone's energy. But they say if I keep grinding and do me i'll get somewhere in the music artistry but I don't know anything about growing or if I make a hit song I don't have friends to help me or connections to keep me motivated. But I made a promise to myself to keep my longevity and consistency up and never let my fans down.

I'm from Frederick county,Maryland.
My city is pretty small and I don't hear any good artist/teen musicians that are any good in my area which I considered irrelevant , but Baltimore and D.C its the biggest cities of my state and that's where most artist get their connections and stuff like that. So I don't really have friends to know where i'm coming from or understand about music ,basically i'm struggling right now.

I have life trauma that I have written down into full songs which I haven't recorded yet because the situation I have going on right now, my moms side of the family is straight up music and dancing and my uncle managed this dmv artist yungmanny gave me like a good boost of thought and I was v.i.p at his concert 2019 and seeing that up close was an experience. Usually watching artist interviews and watching how they come up to get noticed is my inspiration and also watching their lifestyle. Artist who had made an impact to the world and passed away just makes me really sad and I wanna turn that emotion into something great and make “my fans” remind me of recent artist who had really made music into what they are now.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?
any trap hardcore rap artist/underground

Let’s have a listen to the new IlxvCrxk track:

+S!CK+ [prod. zeeroxx] by yxungmomo



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