Interview: Feelz Odd


Artist Name: Feelz Odd
Latest Release: Dubai (feat. LLC Flame)

“Feelz Odd is a hip hop/pop duo based out of Youngstown Ohio. Immensely inspired by music, both Jack Klaholz (Jatic) and Peter Fernandez (ZZFern) strive to create the music that they love. The eccentric duo was formed not long after the two artists collaborated on their local hit single “Lemonade,” that presented a feel good vibe to it’s audience. They continue to work and perfect their craft together.”

The track?
Dubai is a more intense and hype track that we actually accidentally made from a freestyle that one of us was doing. We just kept adding to the song and it sounded really good. Then we got LLC Flame which is another awesome duo to hop on the track.

Dream collaboration?
iann dior

Where is home and what is the scene like?
We are two young teens from the Cleveland area. There's a lot of “soundcloud rappers” from our schools so we tried it out and formed a duo.

How has living life influenced your music?
Just watching other people and other artists rap and make music has made me want to do it. I've always been heavily influenced by all music around me.

Favorite movie?
Hacksaw Ridge, Desmond Doss since he is a brave and courageous war hero from the was in the Pacific.

Let’s plug that Feelz Odd music!

Find on social:
Insta: www.instagra…


#Feelz Odd #thesupremeteam

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