Interview: February


Artist Name: February

New Song/Release Title: BAD HABITS

Tell us something about you that fans should know:

I would describe myself as a artist who wants to make music for his fans rather than an artist who only wants the money. I’ve said this for years now, making music that would make people happy would be the whole experience for me.

Where are you from and what’s the music scene like there?

I’m from a super small town called Union City in between Indiana and Ohio. The music scene here is honestly just me and my friend Piter. So we been just making music trying to entertain our friends and family and maybe more.

How have your life experiences influenced your music?

Music has been affected by a lot of things in my life. Mostly my trauma. I used to be in a super abusive relationship and it caused me to start having very bad anxiety and depression. I tried taking my own life, it was rough. Then I met a girl who really is everything to me. So my influences come from both places because they’re still very relevant in my life.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

If I could work with any artist it would be Dominic Fike. Music like his, Blackbear’s and Iann Dior’s inspired me to start writing and I ended up writing and releasing my first song in August of 2020

Let’s have a listen to the new February track:

Bad Habits (feat. Undexd) by february

#BADHABITS #february


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