Interview: Fabio G


Artist Name: Fabio G

Tell us something about you that fans should know:

I like to do rap songs with a catchy chorus and I try keep it on the mainstream side because that’s where the views come from, I think I’m quiet unique and try think outside the box especially since there’s so much competition it’s a no brainer to think smart not hard.

Where are you from and what’s the music scene like there?

I’m from an island called Jersey (Channel Islands) and it’s owned by the UK. We look up to the uk music scene and that’s where most of the inspiration comes from. With that being said the music scene in jersey isn’t the best if I ever make it I’d be the only one in jersey that’s made it in the music industry we are a small population of 100,000 but it’s a great island! Look forward to hearing from you.
Fabio G

How have your life experiences influenced your music?

I’ve had good days and bad days but that’s apart of life and in between those days music would always make me feel like I have a purpose to fulfill

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Arrdee, aitch, aj Tracey, Dutch etc

Song Title: Fabio G Growth ft. Elson (Prod. by Elson)

Let’s have a listen to the new Fabio G track:


#Fabio G
#rap #independent #artist #new #wave


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