Interview: 777fury

by | May 17, 2021 | 278, Artist Profiles

Artist Name: 777fury

Tell us something about you that fans should know:

As an artist I'm spontaneous & impulsive, you never know what you're gonna get from me so supporting is a wild ride. One moment i might drop something somber then the next i release a project of nothing but bangers, my music is all over the place but that means there's something for just have to be willing to tune in!

Where are you from and what’s the music scene like there?

I'm from Las Vegas & the music scene here is pretty diverse. There's trap metal artists, traditional hip-hop heads, dudes making stuff that sounds like what's popular, & a ton of others making music that's completely unique to them.

How have your life experiences influenced your music?

My life experiences have influenced my music HEAVILY, everything i speak about is either something I've done/do or something I've seen/been around. Being yourself & staying pure will take you far so I'll forever put my heart and soul into music no matter how gritty the result may be.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

On a major level: Future or Lil Baby. On a smaller scale: Lucki, Bino Rideaux, & Blxst

Song Title: What You Want Too

Let’s have a listen to the new 777fury track:




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