Interview: 070martian

by | Mar 21, 2021 | Artist Profiles, The Supreme Team

Artist Name: 070martian

New Song/Release Title: Focus

Tell us something about you:
as an artist I would say, you cant really know what to expect cause i am pretty much random i believe that's a difference from sounding the same at all time.

I am from Angola currently in Zambia and a second year medical student, where am from music is like everything tho with alot of studies I cant help but do music on my free time which is already a little lol

music is a way of expression, something that when you are sad,happy or even angry acts as a refuge where you can Express anything cause life tends to get hard and music surely helps cope with it

Who would you most like to collaborate with?
post malone

Let’s have a listen to the new 070martian track:




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