#inmymind #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: inmymind

Who are you?

I am a producer and remixer. Quality over quantity. Sometimes I release 3 songs in a year. Sometimes none. That doesn’t mean that I am not working on music though. Music is the way I can express my emotions freely without any limits. I do not limit myself to a genre and I always like to experiment further.

Where are you from?

I am from Central Europe, Austria. The current mainstream music scene here is all about German Rap. Essentially, it’s quite similar to the British Rap scene, in which drill music plays a big part right now. In peculiar, artists like to use a deep voice that goes well along with these beats. This type of music has a big influence among the youth although I would like to add that I personally do not engage much with this music scene. I prefer the American hip-hop industry and like to use their style in my productions.

How can we follow you?

Song Title: Bktherula – Detox (inmymind remix)

Listen to inmymind:

Source: supremepr.us…


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