Artist Name: HIK1KOMORI

Artist Bio

We are a band that focuses on providing a stimulating experience not just through sound but visuals and other senses like smell. Our goal is to provide a way for someone to be fully immersed in the universe. We have actors in costume that interact with the crowd such as the Mirror Officers who control all expression. Our music videos are all connected like a movie and tell a story of journey through hardship, survived with friendship.

Tell us who you are:

We are HIK1KOMORI. We are from Sobekon City in 2085. We are a group of varying talents and influences which give us the power to be ourselves. Our music focuses on the themes of life that we sometimes ignore such as homelessness and other deeper thoughts like how does the emotion of love and humanity meet? We hope to speak for those who feel lonely and misunderstood because that is how we feel. We want other people like us to feel at home when they listen to us. We love you all.

Discover this artist:

Instagram: www.instagra…
Tik Tok:

Song Title: LOOK AT ME!

Listen: HIK1KOMORI track:

Contact Artist: Hikikoband@g…

Source: supremepr.us…

Reposted from : supremepr.us…


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