HearNow announces donation link option on profiles

by | Jul 21, 2020 | default

Add a donation link to your HearNow promo page

We’ve all been to a show where the band sets out a tip jar on their merch table for anyone to pay them a little extra for their hard work, either to help fill the van or pay for their next Taco Bell burrito. In the current music climate where shows and physical tip jars aren’t an option, artists have had to find other ways for fans to kick them a bit of cash.

Live video streaming Soundcloud promotion services like Twitch and audio platforms like Spotify offer virtual tip jars functions. HearNow is joining with their own donation option, adding another important tool for artists along with their already excellent instantly customized one-page promo site for artists. This new function allows artists to add links to sites like Venmo, PayPal and Patreon, right next to links to all the major streaming platforms.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Head to the “Design and Preview” section in your account
  2. Click the “Links” button
  3. Add donation links!

Those links will appear on a new section labeled “Support links.”

First screenshot for HearNow announces donation link option on profiles

This will also create a new icon on the bottom of your page along with all of your other social links.

Second screenshot for HearNow announces donation link option on profiles

Log in to your HearNow account and add those links now!

Not using HearNow yet? Check out a preview of your smart link here!

The post HearNow announces donation link option on profiles appeared first on DIY Musician Blog.

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