#Hadi nakhle #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Hadi nakhle

Who are you?

Introducing Hadi Nakhle, a talented artist with a passion for both techno and piano music. Hadi has been honing their craft for years, drawing inspiration from both the club scene and classical music to create a truly unique sound.

With a focus on intricate rhythms and haunting melodies, Hadi's techno tracks have been making waves in the underground scene. Their use of innovative production techniques and attention to detail have garnered them a dedicated following of fans.

In addition to their techno productions, Hadi Nakhle is also an accomplished pianist. Their classical training is evident in their solo piano pieces, which are both emotive and technically impressive.

Hadi Nakhle seamlessly blends these two passions, incorporating piano melodies into their techno productions to create something truly special. Their debut release, "Fading Away", showcases this perfectly, with tracks that seamlessly blend the two genres.

As Hadi Nakhle continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in electronic music, we can't wait to see what they have in store next. Keep an eye on their Spotify page for new releases and updates on upcoming shows.

Where are you from?

Israel,techno music

How can we follow you?

Song Title: Techno Flux

Listen to Hadi nakhle:

Source: supremepr.us…


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