
by | Mar 29, 2023 | 119, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles | 0 comments

#GoodLordJordy #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: GoodLordJordy

Who are you?

I would describe myself as a "consciously clever" artist that uses unorthodox tones and sounds and combines that with lyrical precision. My content is focused on enlightenment and truth. balancing the light and dark with in us for the greater good. I try to make music that builds and destroys. Lyrics that build confidence, belief, love, integrity, honor and motivation to be ones best self. While also, destroying thoughts of fear, hate, debilitating depression, anxiety, doubt, and negativity vibrations and entities. I'm not a "concious rapper"… I rap with a conscious and understanding that my words are powerful and each word I say leaves an energy. I am perfectly flawed and use my lyrics to lead the listener to a place they can learn more about themselves and why its important to love yourself, love others and evolve.

Where are you from?

Im from Arlington, Texas. Grew up here, most my life up until high school graduation. Arlington is the "little brother" to Dallas and Fort Worth in terms of history and influence and the music scene reflects that. I think the DFW is riddled with talent. It holds a certain "dirty south excellence" about it and seems to be proud of its roots.

How can we follow you?


INSTAGRAM: @goodlordjordy
SNAPCHAT: @goodlordjordy

Song Title: Dreams and Schemes

Listen to GoodLordJordy:



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