From getting started to going full-time as a music artist

For Release by The Supreme Team:

[Product_Table id=’54458′ name=’soundcloud 8211 reposts’]

Premium SoundCloud Reposts

Our focus is on Rap/Hip-Hop, Pop/Rock and EDM/Electronic genres.
We can reach up to 100 Million followers
We can distribute to 2000+ SoundCloud Influencers.
Supreme{PR} Organic SoundCloud Promotion campaigns typically are scheduled in 1-2 days and will run for a week or more depending on how big the order.
Repost schedules are available in your VIP account area.
Mostly USA and EU listeners.
Reposts stay active for 48 hours.

How do Reposts Work?

Your song is distributed to our network of SoundCloud Influencers.
Our Influencers have between 10k – 500k followers each.
Influencers repost your song to their followers.
When you user our organic SoundCoud promotion to gain followers, they may not interact with your track immediately. You have to make them fans through engagement and great music. We just open the door.
The better the track, the better it will perform.
You can monitor your engagements in SoundCloud Pulse or Notifications.
Reposts stay active for 48 hours.
To see an example of a repost schedule click here.

Magnetic Magazine recently interviewed Hypeddit’s founder and CEO John Gold on the beginnings of Hypeddit and what it takes to build buzz, fame and success as a music artist today.
Click play and check out the podcast of the live interview below. John and Kane discuss many tips and tricks on getting more exposure and fans as a music artist, such as:

Why your fans matter more than anything else
How download gates can skyrocket your career
Why you risk losing everything you worked so hard building if you don’t collect fan email addresses
Why going full-time with your music is easier than many artists think

Enjoy the podcast and always feel free to leave comments and questions!