#For3ign Goddess
Artist Name: For3ign Goddess
Artist Bio
So far I've been working with my producer city gadz and we been making crazy vibe in the studio and so far I've been doing well when it comes to taking it to the beats i go crazy with the vibe also so far I've gotten my youtube up to 185 subs and still counting
Tell us who you are:
Names For3ign Goddess am a artist out of Jamaica why I'd like my music to be accepted is because i have a unique style and vibe including the attitude that i bring to the music world and i believe i can really make a name for myself and showcase how unique i am to stand out
Discover this artist:
Song Title: Fast Food
Listen: For3ign Goddess track:
Contact Artist: for3ign12@gm…
Source: supremepr.us…