Featured Artist: SJC JayLone

by | Nov 27, 2020 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

Recording Artist:
SJC JayLone


Who are you?:
SJC JayLone is an alternative artist that expands on his struggles in life. He goes into detail with the aspects of his personality and within this one, it is his satanic presence that enlightens a gift in him to switch sides to god. At the time, he was on a social media purge to "kill" all the bad inside of him. "day 4 of my purge" he said in the song. Just watch and find out on his journey by listening to a preview fantasy of his "altered ego" self.

Everyone that preached hate into my soul, the people who helped me, misunderstood people, XXXTENTACION, My mother and this girl that makes me happy

I make music not cause I do it for a generic cause like the devil, popularity, or simplistic entities like drugs and alcohol addiction. I make music because of my disability. I have several disorders that make me the way I am. A disability is an impairment of the function of life and I made "my satanic fantasy" 2 months ago. I've gotten a lot better because I write every day. It's my way of coping with the pain. I make music in the mood. To be in a certain mood; I listen to music. I wrote for 5 years. I rapped for 3 years. I still am at the moment. I'm actually making an album so this is just not even a short, sneak peek of what I can do with just basic autotune on my phone app. I love music because it is a way of self-expression. I love people and interacting, making, and forming a new synergy because collaboration is just a non-combatical, sometimes it is, but it's about forming new ideas, and with two brains you get twice the input and energy put into a song making it sound twice as better in the first place. I know this will never get heard plus this song is quite graphic. But I'll keep submitting some of my music once I release the EP I just need a further notice that I will be accepted. I hope you guys can understand me better as a person and why I do music. It's just my way to cope. I want to spread my message. Hear my VOICE.


Listen to SJC JayLone:


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