Platinum Galaxy


Featured Artist: Platinum Galaxy

“Entertainer from Brooklyn with a couple of releases: Photoshop, Trapstar Life, Stoopid Face and recently THOTSAVAGE. And a new release named Fuego.
My past is murky and full of struggle but I managed to steer my life in another direction with music and a few other projects.
I move with purpose and my everyday vibe is to see anyone I know grow, such a 3N2017 on IG and my conglomerate Bottles Up Entertainment.”

Where are you from and what is the music scene like?
Brooklyn is where I was born and raised. Music in my borough depicts the passions of the young men seeking to win and escape poverty and an uncertain future.

What is your greatest source of inspiration?
All the real people in the world who don’t stop even after their goals are met.

How have your life experiences influenced your music?
I was heavy in the streets. I went away for a long time and have seen so much and been involved with so much if you listen you’ll hear it in my sound.

How can fans learn more about you?
THOTSAVAGE (DEMON VERSION 😈) by Platinum Galaxy 💫

Can you give us a sample of Platinum Galaxy music?

Supreme{PR} is excited to feature Platinum Galaxy on our upcoming Supreme HEAT playlist compilation. Follow us at soundcloud.c… for updates.