Featured Artist: Extents

by | Nov 26, 2020 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

Recording Artist: Extents


Who are you?: I'm Credo Just a GothWithDreams trying to make a difference ,be remembered and get my voice out there what's the point of existing if you didn't do anything with your life I'm working on finding myself and in the process help others who are going through the same things I am or even similar to that at which I want to change for the better.

Inspiration? Jaseh Onfroy and Jarad Higgins got me to start making music in order to better the world and express what I cannot say

Why?: Success to me is being able to make my mom proud ,Win this battle with depression and help others understand more of live than having to struggle alone ,to be the voice of the people those who are too afraid to speak for themselves to change the world and get a better understanding from doing that

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