#EliasG #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: EliasG
Who are you?
I am a musician that is up for anything. I play five instruments (Piano/Keys, Drums, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Ukulele) and I take them very seriously. I will write up some rap bars or make a killer melody for a depressing indie band. I love rap/hip-hop, but my music tastes varies from Kanye to The Beatles. I may want to do something like Garth Brooks/Chris Gaines where I do one genre with one name and another genre under another name.
Where are you from?
I'm a 13-year old guy from Dallas, TX. Only people that know I have a song on SoundCloud are just a couple of friends at school. Not much happening here except rock and country since Lil Loaded and MO3 passed.
How can we follow you?
You can find me on SoundCloud. Rap name: EliasG. I only have one song out now but I plan to have more out soon!
Song Title: First One
Listen to EliasG:
Source: supremepr.us…