DJ-SLT-UK – Featured Artist

by | Nov 24, 2020 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

SupremePR is proud to support new artists that need to be heard.

Pick of the Day:

Recording Artist: DJ-SLT-UK

“Wrote first song on a Roland Juno when he was 7 yrs old and has been creating melodies for the last 43yrs which are now being released thru the current music genres such as; G-Funk, Hip-Hop, Electronic, NeoSoul, Progressive House to name a few. Whilst lockdown has been expensive and boring for some this producer has been pumping up his song libruary to a whopping 600 full songs and is just starting to drip feed them via soundcloud to get a feel on todays freshness of sound but bringing back melodic hip-hop and G-funk that the most recent generations missed with songs like; Return of The G-Funk/A Broken Heart & also finding time to do remixes on songs like Sugar Daddy which features one of the guitarists from Prince’s “Black Diamond’ Band and his brother who did session work with Brand New Heavies whilst also remixing acappella’s by Rap artist U-FOE with songs like “Barstol too Baker Remix & Ultraviolent Remix” which bring back some lost 90’s styles of good hip-hop.
DJ-SLT-UK comes from a long extensive background in music creation and production but has only this year during the pandemic found his comfort zone with smooth G-funk grooves and Soul/Funk music

What music do you not create?

‘I dont create any Trap music, i have zero interest in that sub genre of hip-hop…i get it, i respect that theres alot of support behind that new generation of genre, but its not for me however, in saying that i can never say never but more its just not the direction my flow is currently projecting”

Thanks kindly in advance,

Simon Chappell aka DJ-SLT-UK

Listen to DJ-SLT-UK on SoundCloud:

Supreme SoundCloud Promotion

Supreme SoundCloud Repost Promotion is provided through a network of playlist curators, music tastemakers, and content creators. We love working with artists who are talented, dedicated, and destined for greatness. We are Austin, Texas based and connected with promoters all over the world. ~The Supreme Team


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