by | Jun 6, 2023 | 119, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles | 0 comments

#DAWN$TAR🌟 #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: DAWN$TAR🌟

Who are you?

I'm an artist who is driven by one purpose: to do the will of the Father of Jesus Christ 🙏

Where are you from?

I was born in Fayetteville, NC, however, raised in Fountain, CO, right next to Colorado Springs. I've been making music in the Ville and the Springs and the music scene is crazy! Loads of talent just waiting to be showcased in the spotlight!

How can we follow you?

Fans can follow me on Instagram and Soundcloud

Song Title: ALLiSEEisGOLD

Listen to DAWN$TAR🌟:

Source: supremepr.us…


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