Can You See Who Listens to Your Music on SoundCloud?

by | Mar 19, 2024 | 149, HUM Interviews, Supreme Artist Profiles

SoundCloud provides artists with insights and analytics about their listenership, allowing them to see data such as the number of plays, likes, reposts, comments, and shares their music receives. Here’s how artists can see who listens to their music on SoundCloud:

  1. SoundCloud Stats: SoundCloud offers a comprehensive set of analytics and insights through its SoundCloud Stats dashboard. Artists can access their stats dashboard by logging into their SoundCloud account and navigating to the Stats section.
  2. Plays: SoundCloud tracks the number of plays each track receives, allowing artists to see how many times their music has been streamed by listeners. Artists can view detailed play counts for individual tracks as well as aggregated play counts for their entire catalog.
  3. Likes, Reposts, and Comments: SoundCloud also provides data on likes, reposts, and comments, allowing artists to see how listeners are engaging with their music. Artists can track the number of likes, reposts, and comments their tracks receive and use this data to gauge audience sentiment and engagement.
  4. Listener Demographics: SoundCloud provides insights into listener demographics, including geographic location, age, gender, and device type. This data can help artists understand their audience better and tailor their music and promotional efforts to reach their target demographic.
  5. Playback Locations: SoundCloud tracks where listeners are streaming music from, including sources such as the SoundCloud website, mobile app, embedded players, and external websites. Artists can see which playback locations are driving the most traffic to their music and optimize their distribution and promotion accordingly.
  6. Engagement Metrics: In addition to basic playback data, SoundCloud provides artists with engagement metrics such as playthrough rate, repost rate, and completion rate. These metrics can help artists understand how listeners are interacting with their music and identify opportunities for improvement.
Overall, SoundCloud’s analytics and insights provide artists with valuable information about their listenership, allowing them to track performance, measure engagement, and make data-driven decisions to grow their audience and reach their music career goals.

The Supreme Team is an Austin, Texas promotion agency started by Indie Artists for Indie Artists. Our Organic SoundCloud Promotion and Organic Spotify Promotion is provided through a network of influencers and artists in the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, Brazil, and more.
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