Artist Profile of Rico Green

by | Nov 16, 2020 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

Recording Artist: Rico Green

“I consider myself a rapper. My music has taken many turns throughout the years, however, I think I finally got something!!”

What inspired your new song?
I was reminiscing, I guess. Thinking about how far I’ve come since a young pup.

Describe your writing process?
I think I wrote this song years ago but my writing process is weird. It all depends on what I feel the beat is telling me; if that makes sense.

Do you have a video?
I have videos from songs I released on my own and with friends but they are from the past. I have actually been trying to get in touch with Tristan Zammit so that I can do my music videos through him. Or any studio that can give me a boondocks style anime for my music videos. I think this would be cool.

How do you stand out as an artist?
I am from the islands so I think it helps to give off a different vibe in my music. It would also be a different perspective as far as being a cartoon so I think people would gravitate to that.

Who are you listening to right now?
I actually try not to listen to too many artists. I do stay in tune with how hip-hop is maturing though so I understand how to remain relevant and then put some spice on it.

Who are some of your influences?
I feel like Tsu Surf would be my biggest influence as an artist — and battle rap as a culture.

What gets you up in the morning? 
I like to get things done. The feeling of completion is so welcoming for me. Also, EXERCISE (staying healthy)

What’s next for you?
I am working on creating my brand — I don’t have much financial support so everything is very slow. But hopefully I can land a new job soon and be able to make more strategic moves.

How can fans reach you?


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