Artist Profile of Revel Serene


SoundCloud Repost Channels, SoundCloud Repost Promotion

Recording Artist: Revel Serene

“I am Revel Serene. I am a songwriter/lyricist. I am known as the messenger. I am from Realm, Massachusetts. I make music to spread good vibes, to encourage listeners, and even educate in creative ways where you can learn something new and still vibe and enjoy every song.”

What inspired your new song?
I feel that people need to realize that we create our own reality, and that the suffering and struggle we may face daily doesn’t come from what’s happening around us but what’s happening within us which is being triggered by the mind and all of the conditioning we pick up from our childhoods and environment. 2Pac inspired in the process.

Describe your writing process?
If you listen very closely and give your full undivided attention, you would notice that there are 3 scenes taking place in this song that seems like a short story. I wrote exactly what was happening of what I was experiencing and becoming conscious aware of. I recorded this record and produced it myself with my own equipment and later on had it mix and mastered because I feel this song is very deep and suspenseful in a way.

Do you have a video?
I have a strong perfect vision for this video. When you hear this song, I want you to imagine how deep the video is going to be. What I envisioned is perfect. The world is in for a grand surprise! There are plot twist throughout the video just like the song.

How do you stand out as an artist?
All my music doesn’t contain profanity, and never will (not even damn) lol. I don’t rap about sex, hate, the past, violence or drugs and my music still will get you vibing, dancing, feeling good, and motivated. All respect to all the artist out there doing their thing but I speaking the truth.

Who are you listening to right now?
Nobody really. I just been listening to beats to see what song I want to create next.

Who are some of your influences?
2PAC, Big L, Papoose

What gets you up in the morning? 
I like to read here and there. I love studying the mind and observing this physical experience. I love to learn, teach, inspire people. I’m into motivational speaking, philosophy and adventure.

What’s next for you?
My clothing brand and my upcoming radio show and ascension…..Yes I said ascension.

How can fans reach you?
I have an Instagram and Twitter @ RevelSerene.

Listen to :

All In Your Mind – REV by REVEL SERENE

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