Artist Profile of Gio Ocasio

by | Nov 16, 2020 | Artist Profiles | 0 comments

Recording Artist: Gio Ocasio

“I always strive for my best and give 110% into everything I do. The music I create and you hear is from my heart, mind, and soul. It is a literal glimpse into my thoughts and emotions.”

What inspired your new song?
I was inspired by the passing of someone close to me.

Describe your writing process?
The writing process was not hard at all. I had poems written down previously and the recording were converted into audio files.

Do you have a video?
I do have a video, it will be on youtube in a couple weeks.

How do you stand out as an artist?
I create an antisocial approach to music by making it stand out from the usual culture.

Who are you listening to right now?

Who are some of your influences?
My mom

What gets you up in the morning? 
Striving my best, challenging myself and seizing the day gets me up in the morning.

What’s next for you?
Next I plan to go to college.

How can fans reach you?
My instagram is gilastname and email is gio.r.ocasio…

Listen to :

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