Artist Profile:


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Recording Artist: Joel Mullins

What inspired your new song?
Joel’s debut solo single, “I Know When We Go”, is a song about memory and surrender.  Steeped in melancholy imagery and mysterious metaphors, it’s an ephemeral song born out of grief and existential crisis. “I Know When We Go” is one in a large collection of songs written in late 2019/early 2020 after an 8-year hiatus from songwriting. This burst of creativity has resulted in the most personal and emotionally complex songs of Joel’s life.

Describe your writing process?
The song was written late one night after a rehearsal with The Pons. Arriving home around midnight and craving some wine and a few minutes with my recently purchased 2008 Huss & Dalton acoustic guitar, I started playing the repetitive two-chord guitar figure that forms the basis of the song and then immediately began writing lyrics. The lyrics are mostly stream of consciousness meditations on letting go. Soon after the COVID-19 lockdowns began in March 2020, I recorded the main acoustic guitar part and sent it to The Pons drummer, Steve Sanders, who added an electronic drum loop. Those tracks formed the backing track that the rest of the song grew out of. Pons’ bassist Ruby Painter added bass, while Steve Sanders added additional acoustic drums. Tammany Hall Machine guitarist Geoff Dupree added electric guitar. I sang and played acoustic guitar, Rhodes piano, Hammond organ, and my son’s marimba. The entire song was recorded remotely in home studios due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Do you have a video?

How do you stand out as an artist?

Who are you listening to right now?

Who are some of your influences?

What gets you up in the morning? 

What’s next for you?

How can fans reach you?

Listen to :

I Know When We Go by Joel Mullins

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